Customized "video games' for your martial arts classes!  We'll take our games, add your logos to the open/close, and customize colors for your school.  

Kung Fu Hero

$50 - We'll recolor the game board and background in your color choices and add your logo to the open/close.

Shark Challenge

$50 -We'll add your logo to the open/close, add custom colors on level screens/timer/arrows/words, and can customize the background and game name. Limited recoloring options are available for the sharks. 

Ninja Forest Challenge

$50 - We'll add your logo to the open/close, add custom colors on level screens/timer/arrows/words, and can customize the background and game name.  Limited recoloring options are available for the ninjas.

Fire Dodge Game 

Fire dodge was our first game, has less animation, and took much less time to make, so we are making it available at a much lower price.  Keep an eye out for a much smoother Fire Dodge 2 in the future! 

$25 - We'll add your logo to open/close, customize word/level opening/arrow colors, and customize background.

Request your game by contacting us below! 

Got an idea?  We can create a completely custom game for your school with custom movement combinations, colors, characters, backgrounds, and more.  Custom game prices can vary, depending on the difficulty.  Contact us here and let us know what you're looking for! 

Rockcastle Shaolin Do LLC
All rights reserved 2019
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